Gear and goodies for graziers and other good folks!

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

MiG & Mob Grazing Tee Shirts, HERE AT LAST!!

MiG Grazier? Mob Grazier?
Been there, doing that?

From the slightly warped minds at Cowboy Sam's... the first T-shirts featuring MiG and Mob Grazing!

Heavyweight white cotton Tee with your choice of hilarious Mob or MiG themes created by our own little twisted imagination!

Click your cursor on 'em to see 'em bigger. Bigger is better!

Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, $16; 2X-3X, $20! Order by MiG or MOB + sizes needed.

TOP: MiG meets Top Gun!
Airborne grazier moooooving his herd... dropping them from the wings of his Soviet MiG jet aircraft! I love the smell of pasture in the morning!
(YES! that is MiG inventor Jim Gerrish flying the MiG jet!)

It's The Grazing Mob in trench coats, Tommy guns, big hats and bullish attitudes, providing "protection" for a nervous herd o' cows ! Talk about some tough beef!

These T's are sure to be a hit at grazier's meetings, the county fair or state fair, the Farmer's Market... and of course, when you're moooooving those cows or lambs to new grazing paddocks!

HEY! As of Sept. 15th, you can get your ranch or farm logo on the back if you order SIX or more. Email us your ranch or farm logo in jpeg and it's a done deal! (allow sensible time for printing. Remember in third grade when you told your Mom at breakfast that you needed a pie for a bake sale THAT DAY... let's avoid crisis scenes like that, all righty?!)

God bless you for looking at our shirts, please buy one or several. We will love you forever if you do!

Your slightly warped friends at
Cowboy Sam's